Whole House Filter System

For every home and business, water that is clean to use and safe to drink is usually taken for granted. However, many areas in cities, in the suburbs, and in more remote areas are seeing a rise in the amount of potential pathogens and chemicals in their water. To combat this, water purification centers are putting higher levels of chemicals into the water supply to keep contaminates within safe consumption levels. These chemicals, typically chlorine, can cause damage to your hair, your laundered clothes, and have detrimental long-term health effects as well as damage to components within the plumbing fixtures in your home.

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Aqua Knight Plumbing has a solution to keep your water safe to drink and to use beyond what a filtration pitcher or faucet filter add-on can offer. We install and service Genesis Whole House Filters to keep all the contaminates out of your home entirely using their patented 4-Stage Filter Process and their KDF85 (Kinetic Degradation Fluxion media) reticulated cubes. This not only reduces or eliminates many harmful elements within your water, but it also improves the overall taste and odor. Ask our experienced plumbers which size will best fit your house’s needs!

Whole House Filter Systems virtually eliminate:

  • Lead & Other Heavy Metals
  • Microorganisms (particularly viruses & bacteria)
  • Chemical Disinfectants (particularly chlorine)
  • Chemical Pollutants (particularly pesticides and herbicides)
  • Staining Compounds (like iron or manganese)
  • Sediments & Other Particulates
  • Chemical Coagulants
Whole House Filter Systems typically operate maintenance-free for 8-10 years without the need to be drained or even connected to a power supply. What may come across as a needless luxury is, in reality, a measure that helps keep harsh chemicals out of your drinking water, keeps the same chemicals away from your laundered clothing, prevents the degradation of components in your faucets, toilets, bath fixtures, and virtually eliminates other harmful contaminates within your home’s water. You will be drinking and cooking with clean and pure water, but also be able to wash your clothes, bathe, and shower in the same, high-quality, pure water. The peace of mind of not having to repair or replace items and plumbing fixtures within your home is worth the cost of the maintenance-free unit alone. Whole house filtration systems have an additional benefit in that they also lower the amount of particulates within your water in a manner similar to that of a water softener. The system pulls water hardening materials (typically calcium and magnesium) out of the water supply, but a dedicated water softener is far more effective at removing those materials, especially when used in conjunction with the whole home system. Rather than having two separate systems in place, we can install a whole house water filter hybrid system that both filters and softens your water. Whole house water filters are unable to fully treat water pulled directly from a spring or from a well, but is optimal for the pretreated water supplied from your local municipal sources. While saving you money that may be spent on a water softener for your home, you further save money on bottled water purchases (either individual bottles or large water dispensers) and costly filtration systems and their replacement filters. The impact on the environment is significant as well when additional plastic materials aren’t being thrown into the garbage or need to be recycled (which can also waste water, electricity, and the time needed to actually recycle those materials). While the specific chemicals in your water supply can vary, based on your home’s location and the condition of the water supply, a whole house filtration system greatly lowers the amounts of lead and other heavy metals, bacteria and other microorganisms, pesticides and herbicides, iron, manganese, arsenic, and any other harmful or undesirable material from your water. A homeowner may not even be aware of the potential health benefits from high quality water as they have been drinking from municipal sources their entire lives. The additives within water may be causing short-term harm (illness and the like) as well as long-term damage from contaminates (arsenic, lead, and other heavy metals, etc.) that can remain within the body. Municipal water treatment systems have been increasing their levels of chlorine in their water to better combat pathogens. That increase in chlorination affects the taste and odor of the water within your home as well as is detrimental to the rubber components within most plumbing fixtures. Many manufacturers are switching these rubber components over to more durable silicone ones, but chlorinated water still deteriorates those parts down over time.

Tankless Reverse Osmosis Systems

Reverse osmosis (RO) systems are the ideal solution to the best, purest water your home can offer by using water that has been filtered thoroughly, especially when combined with a whole house filter system. Aqua Knight Plumbing installs and services Genesis Tankless RO Systems which are compact, highly efficient, have easy to read indicators that display water quality in real time, and a lead-free chrome faucet with a status indicator built into it. This water dispenser is placed near your existing faucet for convenience, giving you the option of water from the tap or water purified for your drinking and cooking needs. With this, the system uses your incoming water supply and drainage, using the existing plumbing you already have in place. As it is a tankless system, it does not need a bulky holding tank which saves on space in the cabinet area under your sink.

The benefits of Genesis Tankless Reverse Osmosis Systems are:

  • Eliminates Foreign Materials & Organisms from Water
  • Compact, Tankless Design
  • Highly Efficient Water Consumption
  • Easy to Read Indicators & Displays
  • Lead-free Faucet with Indicator Light
  • Easy to Operate & Maintain

Reverse osmosis filtration systems are one of the most effective methods to remove the contaminates within your water with its 6 layer filtration method that can remove hundreds of potentially harmful and undesirable contaminants. Tankless RO systems avoid taking up space that bulky holding tanks require and are optimal for homes, especially when placed in a kitchen area. The Genesis Tankless RO System is 50% smaller than conventional reverse osmosis systems, yet is more efficient in operation, saving space while keeping up with the needs of a busy kitchen space. Even though it is tankless, the system is able to provide the nonstop flow of water a day and produce up to 75% less waste water during its operation.

Water Softener Systems

Water Softener Systems are used to remove impurities within the water of your home or business, such as calcium and magnesium, which make it more difficult to clean with. While requiring less soap to be used and the decreased level of water consumption during washing, water that has been softened increases the lifespan of your plumbing systems as the build-up that can occur over time is either reduced or eliminated entirely. Aqua Knight Plumbing installs and services Genesis water softener systems that would best fit the needs of your property.

The benefits of Genesis Water Softener Systems are:

  • Reduction in Soap Usage & Water Consumption
  • Reduction or Elimination of Build-up in Plumbing
  • High Quality Construction & Materials
  • Optimal Water (even during heavy use)
  • Reduces Salt Usage & Requires Less Water to Operate
  • 7 Year Warranty on Unit Head & Valve
  • Lifetime Warranty on Resin Tank & Brine Tank
Negatively charged resin beds are able to draw the positively charged ions within calcium, magnesium, and sodium chloride (salt) particles, pulling the contaminates that typically cause “hard water” out of it. The minerals present in water build up (forming what is typically referred to as “limescale”) on pipe walls and on plumbing fixtures, inside and out. While water softeners reduce these mineral build ups in your household’s water, it does not fully filter other contaminates within your water. To fully remove heavy metals, bacteria and other pathogens, and chlorine from your home’s water supply, you may want to consider installing a whole house filter system to better eliminate other potential contaminates to your water supply.