Why Humidity Matters For Your Home In The Winter 

Why Humidity Matters For Your Home In The WinterRegulating the humidity in your home is important in the winter. Most people think of humidity as that uncomfortable feeling that accompanies the summer heat. That’s true, but what most people don’t realize is that having too low of humidity can be a problem during the winter. 

Over the years of working in the HVAC industry, I’ve seen the advancements in technology for home comfort, humidification included. Adding proper humidity regulation to any home is going to improve the comfort, and also provide a few other benefits you don’t realize. 

In this article I’ll tell you a bit more about why you should regulate your home’s humidity during the winter, and how you can do it. If you want to speak to one of the comfort professionals here at Compass Heating and Air, give us a call at (630) 504-8688, or contact us online!

What Is Humidity?

Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. During the summer months, the humidity tends to rise, and we want to bring it down. In the winter, the humidity drops, and leads to a few different issues. 

What Is The Proper Humidity Level For Your Home?

During the winter, we recommend you keep your home between 30-60% relative humidity. During the summer you may want it lower, around 30-45%. 

As the temperature starts to drop, the humidity level does too. In areas of Illinois like ours, that can happen very quickly. Luckily there are ways to regulate your humidity, and improve your home comfort in the process! 

Why Is Low Humidity Bad?

If the humidity in your home is too low, it could cause more than just comfort issues! Here are some of the reasons you’ll want to have the proper humidity levels in your home: 

Low Humidity Makes It Harder To Heat Your Home

If the humidity is too low, it’s going to make it harder to heat your home. The dry air doesn’t hold the heat as well as the air with proper moisture levels. Your skin also feels colder in the drier air as well. 

Less Energy Efficient 

If it’s more difficult to heat your home, your furnace is just going to have to work harder to heat your home. The dry air makes it harder to heat your home, as we mentioned, and therefore your heating system is going to consume more energy heating your home. 

Dry Skin, Health, & Breathing Issues

Dry Skin And Breathing Issues Can Be Caused By Low HumidityWith dry air comes dry skin. If the humidity is under 30%, it’s going to start to dry your hands and lips out, while also making it harder to breathe in some cases. The dry air is sharper and uncomfortable to breathe. You can feel it in your nasal passages, leading to dried out sinuses, and even nose bleeds. 

Low humidity can also lead to an increased chance of catching a cold or a flu. Low humidity may also exacerbate allergy problems, or asthma issues. This dry air isn’t ideal for respiratory health, or your skin! 

Home Damages

When the air is too dry, it could cause warping and damage to furnishings, particularly things made of wood. This includes flooring, trimming, instruments, tables, chairs, etc. If there are large swings in humidity, could cause these items to dry out and crack. 

How To Regulate Your Humidity

The best way to regulate your home humidity is to install a whole home humidifier. There are other ways as well, like leaving the door of the bathroom open while you shower, hanging wet towels around the house, or drying laundry inside. While these may work temporarily, a whole home humidifier is the best way, 

The humidifier plugs directly into your HVAC system, and makes sure the air that is being dispersed throughout your home is properly humidified! 

There are also portable humidifiers that take care of a particular space, but we recommend the whole home units. These are going to make sure the whole space is taken care of, without you having to worry about flipping it off and on. 

Installing A Humidifier In Your East Dundee, IL Home

If you have been feeling dry and clammy around your home this winter, the humidity could be an issue! We can take a look at your home and give you a free estimate on a whole home humidification system. Give us a call at (630) 504-8688, or contact us online!